Only the end is good... i will say..
humm.... although the music had already said that this flick is not gonna be something as a sequel like of munnabhai...
the songs seeming no how creative wid songs like my name is ali , seeming like , wrapping "dilbara" in a different pack...
but still, movies like this attract youngsters like anything... especially whn u've got such a cool starcast and one of the very best production houses in industry...
The movie starts simply reminding you of everything you saw in dhoom - 1 ... and then for the first half story runs simply like for no significance...
except that intelligence in hritik's role... but man... i think we need something more creative...
if something is sold (dhoom) then y r they tryin to make more profit on that name again .....
The first half is basically made of songs n dances... this is the biggest advantage they've taken by replacing john by hritik .... if u talk of dancing .... no ones better than hritik in this industry... i feel... and movie seems to say that only..
i still cudnt understand the need for bips in double role!!
whr both seem to be jus simply like gap filllers... in a so called story...
first role is even okay... but second one.... mindless effort to put sexy things in the movie... and is still somewht annoying...
they could have looked for much better way to do so...
and our uday chopra... the guy giving PJs throughout the movie... goodness... i dont wanna open my mouth...
he is a clear example of how can you survive as an actor... without actually doing it... on the basis of ur family background...
But most remarkable thing about the movie was Ash's role... she seems no less than a hollywood actress now...
she has proved that she is no less than others...
but her role seems alll around to remind u of tomb raider...
But yea... The Very important fact that i think most of the ppl in theatre missed was that...
the very second dialouges that ash speaks is that " ohh.. F**k " .... !!!
bullshit... seems like a daring gal humm... ;)
And yup... abhishek bachchan.. well nothing positive or negative bout this guy.... he has done justice to his role....
And not but the most important character .... Aryan (hritik) .... kudos to him... its only him... who has survived the reputation of yash chopra... He simply Rocks...
i will give the movie a 2.5 star on a scale of 5... Bollywood needs to learn to make better sequels like munnabhai.... (this one is not up that mark)... I expected far better stuff from yash chopra production house...
anyways... if you havent watched the movie and still going to watch it then do not miss the end title song... ( another good dance)....
i was surprised to see ppl leaving theatre without watching the "main ingredient" of the movie...
humm.... although the music had already said that this flick is not gonna be something as a sequel like of munnabhai...
the songs seeming no how creative wid songs like my name is ali , seeming like , wrapping "dilbara" in a different pack...
but still, movies like this attract youngsters like anything... especially whn u've got such a cool starcast and one of the very best production houses in industry...
The movie starts simply reminding you of everything you saw in dhoom - 1 ... and then for the first half story runs simply like for no significance...
except that intelligence in hritik's role... but man... i think we need something more creative...
if something is sold (dhoom) then y r they tryin to make more profit on that name again .....
The first half is basically made of songs n dances... this is the biggest advantage they've taken by replacing john by hritik .... if u talk of dancing .... no ones better than hritik in this industry... i feel... and movie seems to say that only..
i still cudnt understand the need for bips in double role!!
whr both seem to be jus simply like gap filllers... in a so called story...
first role is even okay... but second one.... mindless effort to put sexy things in the movie... and is still somewht annoying...
they could have looked for much better way to do so...
and our uday chopra... the guy giving PJs throughout the movie... goodness... i dont wanna open my mouth...
he is a clear example of how can you survive as an actor... without actually doing it... on the basis of ur family background...
But most remarkable thing about the movie was Ash's role... she seems no less than a hollywood actress now...
she has proved that she is no less than others...
but her role seems alll around to remind u of tomb raider...
But yea... The Very important fact that i think most of the ppl in theatre missed was that...
the very second dialouges that ash speaks is that " ohh.. F**k " .... !!!
bullshit... seems like a daring gal humm... ;)
And yup... abhishek bachchan.. well nothing positive or negative bout this guy.... he has done justice to his role....
And not but the most important character .... Aryan (hritik) .... kudos to him... its only him... who has survived the reputation of yash chopra... He simply Rocks...
i will give the movie a 2.5 star on a scale of 5... Bollywood needs to learn to make better sequels like munnabhai.... (this one is not up that mark)... I expected far better stuff from yash chopra production house...
anyways... if you havent watched the movie and still going to watch it then do not miss the end title song... ( another good dance)....
i was surprised to see ppl leaving theatre without watching the "main ingredient" of the movie...